
11 September 2020, Agana, GU - The Joint Foreign Chambers of the Philippines organized earlier this month a webinar entitled "Rebooting Philippine Agriculture," which featured guest speaker Department of Agriculture (DA) Secretary William Dar.
Recognizing agriculture as a primary means of livelihood, especially among the rural poor, and the vital role that the sector plays in attaining food security for all Filipinos, Secretary Dar presented a multi-pronged recovery program with various initiatives that are intended to strengthen Philippine agriculture performance, increase benefits to Filipino farmers, and maximize export capacities in the face of challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Highlights of Secretary Dar's presentation are as follows:
- Launch of “Plant, Plant, Plant” program, which covers the following loan programs and credit facilities:
- Expanded SURE-Aid and Recovery Project: Mobilizing and Nurturing Agri-preneurship (MANA), which primarily caters to micro and small enterprises, including overseas Filipino workers, and marginalized, small farmers and fishers;
- Agri-Negosyo (ANYO), which offers loans to small businesses; and
- Kapital Access for Young Agri-preneurs (KAYA), which provides capital funding for young individuals pursuing agri-ventures
- Mentoring and Attracting Youth in Agribusiness (MAYA) program, which incentivizes young graduates to pursue a career in agriculture;
- Business Incubation in Agriculture (BIAG) program, which assists start-ups and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in their business plans;
- Agro-Industrial Business Corridors (ABCs), which are proposed economic zones dedicated for agricultural industries; and
- Investment opportunities for various agricultural products such as abaca, coconut, mango, seaweeds, cacao, coffee, rubber, and shrimp
Whether you are an immigrant Filipino in search of investment opportunities in the Philippines for retirement, or an OFW looking for an alternative economic opportunity that will allow you to stay home with your family for good, now is probably as good a time as any to consider opportunities in Philippine agriculture.
To learn more about the Department of Agriculture’s programs and investment opportunities in the Philippine agricultural sector, visit or follow
Or you may use our Business Query Contact Page if you have any specific questions about agribusiness and agriculture investment opportunities in the Philippines.

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